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entity documentation is automatically generated using the mkdocs framework and the Material for mkdocs theme. When you commit/push to the wiki branch the static website is automatically compiled and pushed to the gh-pages branch of the main repository.


Documentations are created using markdown syntax which is then automatically parsed and converted into html. As such, any html/css/js code you write in the documentation will be automatically rendered in the documentation. To add global external css or js files, add them to the mkdocs.yml file (extra_javascript and extra_css). If a script is meant to run on just one page, add it with a dedicated <script></script> tag.


  1. Pull the wiki branch of the main repository (it is recommended to do this in a separate directory from the main code).

    git clone entity-wiki
    cd entity-wiki

  2. Create an isolated python virtual environment and activate it.

    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate

  3. Install the dependencies (everything is installed locally in the .venv directory).

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Start the reactive server that will generate the website and will dynamically update any changes made to the documentation.

    mkdocs serve
    To access the documentation simply open the in your browser.

  5. When satisfied with all the changes made simply push them to the master branch.

    git add .
    git commit -m "<reasonable comment>"
    git push
    Shortly after that github-actions will generate the website and push it to the gh-pages branch of the main repository, which will be accessible from the web.