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Two general places to find information on C++-specific questions are cppreference and learncpp. For Kokkos-related questions, one can refer to the Kokkos documentation as well as the Kokkos tutorials for practical examples. For ADIOS2-related issues, refer to the ADIOS2 documentation, and the examples on their github.

When not sure what a specific function does, or how to include a particular module, first check the documentation (you can do a keyword search). Another good option to figure things out on your own, is to look at how the particular modules/functions in questions are used in the unit tests (in the corresponding tests/ directories). If non of that answers your questions, please feel free to open a github issue.

Submitting a github issue

When submitting a github issue, please make sure to include all the parameters of the simulation as well as the code version tag and the git hash of the commit you are using. These are automatically printed into stdout at the beginning of the simulation, and are also saved into <simname>.info file. If you believe the problem is coming from your problem generator, please also include the problem generator file.

Codestyle guide


To maintain coherence throughout the source code, we use clang-format to enforce a uniform style. A corresponding .clang-format file with all the style-related settings can be found in the root directory of the code. To use this, one needs to have the clang-format executable (typically provided with the llvm package). After installing the clang-format itself (check by running clang-format --version), you can use it either manually by running clang-format . in the route directory of the code, or attach it to your favorite code editor to run on save. For VSCode, the recommended extension is xaver.clang-format, for vim -- rhysd/vim-clang-format, for nvim -- stevearc/conform.nvim, for emacs.


  • Use const and auto declarations where possible.

  • For real-valued literals, use ONE, ZERO, HALF etc. instead of 1.0, 0.0, 0.5 to ensure the compiler will not need to cast. If the value is not defined as a macro, use static_cast<real_t>(123.4).

  • In problem generators, it is usually a good practice to enumerate all the code configurations the code works with. For instance, if your code only works with 3D Minkowski metric in SRPIC, include the following in your PGen class:

    template <SimEngine::type S, class M>
    struct PGen : public ProblemGenerator<S, M> {
      static constexpr auto engines {
      static constexpr auto metrics {
      static constexpr auto dimensions {
      // ...
    This will allow the code to throw a compile-time error if the problem generator is used with an incompatible configuration.


  • Use {} in declarations to signify a null (placeholder) value for the given variable:
    auto a { -1 }; // <- value of `a` will be changed later (-1 is a placeholder)
    auto b = -1; // <- value of `b` is known at the time of declaration (but may change later)
    const auto b = -1; // <- value of `b` is not expected to change later
  • Each header file has to have a description at the top, consisting of the following fields:

    • @file [required] the name of the file (as it should be included in other files)
    • @brief [required] brief description of what the file contains
    • @implements list of class/function/macros implementations
      • structs/classes in this section have no prefix (templates are marked with <>)
      • functions are marked with their return type, e.g. -> void
      • type aliases have a prefix type
      • enums or enum-like objects are marked with enum
      • macros have a prefix macro
      • all of the above are also marked with their respective namespaces (if any): namespace::
    • @cpp: list of cpp files that implement the header
    • @namespaces: list of namespaces defined in the file
    • @macros: list of macros that the file depends on
    • @note any additional notes (stack as many as necessary)


      * @file output/particles.h
      * @brief Defines the metadata for particle output
      * @implements
      *   - out::OutputParticle
      * @cpp:
      *   - particles.cpp
  • #ifdef macros should be avoided. Use C++17 type traits or if constexpr () expressions to specialize functions and classes instead (ideally, specialize them explicitly). #ifdef-s are only acceptable in platform/library-specific parts of the code (e.g., MPI_ENABLED, GPU_ENABLED, DEBUG, etc.).

  • Header files should start with #ifndef ... #define ... and end with #endif; do not use #pragma guards. The name of the macro should be the same as the name of the file in uppercase, with underscores instead of dots and slashes. For example, for global/utils/formatting.h, the macro should be GLOBAL_UTILS_FORMATTING_H.

  • There is no difference between .h and .hpp files as both indicate C++ header files. As a consistency convention, we use .h for common headers which may be included from multiple .cpp files (e.g., metrics), while .hpp are very specific headers for only a single (or a couple of) .cpp file (e.g. kernels).


  • Do assertions on parameters and quantities whenever possible. Outside the kernels, use raise::Error(message, HERE) and raise::ErrorIf(condition, message, HERE) to throw exceptions. Inside the kernels, use raise::KernelError(HERE, message, **args). To enable compile-time errors, use static_assert(condition, message). The HERE keyword is macro that includes the filename and line number in the error message.

  • When writing class or function templates, it is always a good practice to ensure the template argument is valid (depending on the context). When doing that, use SFINAE (see, e.g., arch/traits.h) to test whether the type is valid. For example:

    template <typename T>
    using foo_t = decltype(&T::foo);
    template <typename T>
    using b_t = decltype(&T::b);
    template <class B>
    class A {
      // compile-time fail if B does not have a `foo()` method or a `b` member
      static_assert(traits::has_method<foo_t, B>::value, "B must have a `foo()` method");
      static_assert(traits::has_member<b_t, B>::value, "B must have a `b` member");